Functions of Culture

Functions of Culture Sociologists identify several key functions of culture in society, each serving important roles in shaping individuals’ behaviors, beliefs, and interactions. Here are some of the main functions…

Characteristics of Culture

Characteristics of Culture · Culture is man-made: The development or existence of culture is not a natural thing coming directly from the sky but is man-made. Kimball Young (1939) rightly…

Culture: Meaning and Types

Culture: meaning and types Meaning and Definition of Culture The dictionary defines culture as ‘customs and civilization of a particular time or people’ and ‘intellectual and artistic achievement or expression’.…

Family and Household

Family and Household (परिवार र घरपरिवार) परिवार (Family) को अवधारणाले व्यापक रूपमा पति-पत्नी (अभिभावक) र उनीहरूका छोराछोरीहरू समावेश गर्ने प्राथमिक समूहलाई जनाउँछ। यस परिभाषाले दुइ प्रकारका सम्बन्धहरूलाई ध्यानमा राख्छ। सम्बन्धहरू…

Methods of Social Work

Methods of Social Work Methods of Social Work There are six methods of social work, the first three directly intervene with clients while the last three support the first three…