The Forerunner of Social Work
The forerunner of Social Work Social work is a profession that aims to improve the well-being of individuals, groups, and communities, especially those who are marginalized, oppressed, or vulnerable. Social…
The forerunner of Social Work Social work is a profession that aims to improve the well-being of individuals, groups, and communities, especially those who are marginalized, oppressed, or vulnerable. Social…
Social work and Postmodernism Social work and postmodernism are two related topics that have been explored by many scholars and practitioners. Postmodernism is a philosophical movement that challenges the assumptions…
THE CONCEPT OF SOCIETY In common parlance, the word society is usually used to designate the members of specific in-group, persons rather than the social relationships of those persons. Sometimes…
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics Preamble The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human wellbeing and help meet basic human needs…
Techniques in Social Casework 1. Interviewing in social casework An interview is communication between two persons with a conscious purpose. According to P.V.Young “interview may be regarded as a systematic…